Once upon a time, wallpaper was all the rage. There were hundreds upon hundreds of fabulous designs and motifs and they could really make a room look remarkable. Over time, though, this type of stylestarted losingsome of its charm and people started realizing that its main purpose was to cover-up shoddy workmanship orwall damage. Then there was the fact that over time, this material starts to peel off and needs to be removed and replaced with a new layer. Today's minimalistic trend means the old and drab wallpaper look is going out of style. So what can you do if your interior needs a revamp?
Time For A Little Prep Work
The very first thing you need to do before having your old, outdated wallpaper removed is to protect the rest of the room. Cover your furniture, windows and your floor with drop cloths and tape. You may think this is not so necessary but just take a moment to consider the amount of steaming, peeling and scraping that needs to be done and you'll see why it's so important. This may be a timeconsuming job, but a much needed one if you don't want to waste more time and money cleaning everything after the wallpaper replacement job is done.
Assess TheCondition of The Walls
Once all the wallpaper has been removed, the walls behind it will be exposed. How do they look? This is the ideal opportunity to examine them for any nicks, scratches or gouges that had been covered up until now. If the property is relatively old, you may have interior brick walls that you don't like the look of. If this is the case, you can consider having drywall panels installed over them to cover all the inconsistencies and imperfections and give your interior a perfect facelift. Other times, a little mortar repair may be called for. Then again, maybe you don't even want to bother, and you'll opt to simply have a new wallpaper layer spread over everything.
A Fresh Coat Of Paint
Once all the grunt work has been done and you finally had all that ancient wallpaper removed, you are often left with, quite literally, a blank canvas. Now the fun begins. It's time for a fresh coat of paint that will compliment your furnishings and the style of your property. This is quicker and easier than replacing the wallpaper, so in the future, when a new layer needs to be added, you can expect less hassle and fewer expenses. You canalso add a few pictures, new curtains and perhaps even a new rug to givetheroom a stunning contemporary look. If you need help with any of the steps we mentioned, give our team at Drywall Repair & Remodeling Calabasas a call.